Eero Prittinen

Engineering and product development

Energy harvestin wireless illumination sensor


This electronics prototype was developed as a technology feasability exploration for Helvar. The goal of the prorotype was to test if indoor illumination energy harvesting could be used to power a low-power wireless sensor. I also wrote my bachelor's thesis on the topic of exploring the suitability of indoor lighting for such sensors, available here.

The communication and the sensor reading was done with Nordic Semiconductor BLE module. The energy harvesting was regulated with specialized energy management IC and supecapacitor was used as a storage element.

My responsibilities included design and assembly of the prototype, and the embedded software. Like stated earlier, I did my bachelor's thesis on related subject, so I had also measured and simulated the energy harvesting capabilities and power consumption to verify the devices function. The project included also a test device, built by another student, that could log the voltage values during longer test periods.

Project type

Electronics development and prototyping

